80% of parents don't know how to guide their student athletes to gain selection into college athletics. We provide a comprehensive roadmap for everyone.

intelligent roadmap that puts
your hardwork into action.


Planning is severely underappreciated, but it makes the difference between building options (proactive) and missed opportunities (disappointment).

Get access to the most comprehensive roadmap, level-up your holistic development with our video guided navigator.

Track your data across athletic, academic, and human pillars in order to tell your story of personal commitment and growth that college coaches want to hear.

Planning is severely underappreciated, but it makes the difference between building options (proactive) and missed opportunities (disappointment).

Share your dashboard publicly and use a first ever feature to invite college coaches to access your past progress, see your current value, and project your future potential.

Your Full Athletic, Academic, and Human Dashboard.
Your full dashboard, built around the 3 main pillars that Athlete Foundry believes "wholly" describes every student athlete and which collegiate coaches seek to better understand. Safely share a public version with anyone, and a more in-depth version that you control, exclusively with verified collegiate coaches. And much more...
Your Semester-by-Semester Roadmap.
Your athlete and academic unified roadmap from 6th grade through 12th grade to ensure you don't miss a single step (you can even add your own "custom" steps to fit your unique needs). We integrate steps from our master Student Athlete Questionnaire, built from extensive SAQ research of athletic and non-athletic questions from NCAA Divisions I, II, and III, plus NAIA, NJCAA, CCCAA, and NWAC colleges.
Know Your Athletic Path, Set Goals and Track Improvements.
Track and build your athletic data, both on and off the field. Customize which stats and skills you want to track. Select from skills organized in each of 6 "athleticism" categories to build a better athletic "you." For those fundamental skills, we provide milestones towards 12th grade "athleticism" targets built from our extensive human performance research. You can also add your own skills, set trajectories and targets, and monthly goals towards those targets.
Know Your Academic Path, Track Eligibility.
Track and build your academic data, to include weighted and unweighted GPAs, NCAA Core 16 GPA, PSAT, SAT, and ACT. We provide historical SAT and ACT admission scores to create your trajectories towards those targets. We created a simple and useful transcript section to track all courses, with special attention to all NCAA Core 16 courses.
Know Your Human Side, Track Who You are Off the Field.
Track and build all of the "other" facets of life that define you and help you develop off the field. This includes your non-sports skills, hobbies, interests, micro-credentials, awards, and basic health data.
Dig Deep Into College Options, See What Else Coaches Value, Track Coach Contacts.
Track and build your college list. Our data helps you make informed decisions of which colleges to consider based on college demographics, student athlete graduation rates, career occupation data, athletic compliance violations, and critical campus safety data. We also integrate our master Student Athlete Questionnaire, provide college website links, coach contact info, and help you keep track of the athletic recruiting calendar.

For less than $1 per day, you can alter your child’s future.
You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain.
Join the movement – try our “Take Charge” premium Athlete Foundry platform FREE for 2 months!
No credit card required. No obligation. No risk.
Dashboard | Epic, empowering, and complete (share it!) |
Roadmap | Comprehensive, but manual |
Dashboard | Epic, empowering, and complete (share it!) |
Roadmap | Comprehensive and automated |
Athletics | Track skills, stats, and more |
Academic | Track GPA, SAT, ACT, and more |
Human | Track other development and more |
Colleges | Build options and more |
Storage | Store 5 GB per year (docs, vids, pics) |